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Instructions to authors

The Conference language is English.


Oral presentations will be organized in four time-slots of 90 minutes each, separated by 30 minutes coffee breaks and one hour lunch break after the first two time-slots.

Each talk should last for no more than 20-25 minutes, leaving 5-10 minutes for questions and discussions.


There is no constraint on the poster shape and / or sizes. The posters will be exposed on the walls of the conference room all the Conference long.
The authors of the posters are encouraged to prepare a brief oral introduction to their posters (1 – 5 slides) that should be presented during the coffee breaks.

 Technical facilities

A PC and a PC projector will be available in the conference room.
Oral contributions should be prepared as Microsoft 2003 Power Point, and should be uploaded into the conference computer at the beginning of the session at the latest. There will be an IT technician (Mr. Adrian Constantin) to assist you in uploading and developing your presentation.


Wireless environment will be available in the conference room for participants. For any problem, please contact our IT technician, Mr. Adrian Constantin.

Overall view of the conference room





Website by Visan Madalina